Seam The World Fundraising Events
Seam The World is known for their charity fundraisers. The aim of our fundraisers are get donors involved in our cause by creating fun and meaningful events that are held in Vietnam and around the world. When possible our fundraisers have interactive themes and events that are at least partially based on the cause(s) that we are raising money, supplies or awareness for. Our style of fundraising helps create a learning experience that gives our guests a more personal and deeper understanding of some of the challenges that people face in the world. Our goal is to have everyone go home feeling inspired by charity and empowered to do what they can to make a difference in the world.
As a charity organization that believes that the creative power of fashion can and should be used to make the world a better place we often thread elements of fashion into our fundraisers. One of the ways that we bring fashion to the forefront is with Cacdemode's Fashion For A Cause Runway Shows. The runway shows are a fun and fashionable way to showcase Seam The World's Look Good, Feel Good, Do Good charity clothing model. The runway shows are often designed to spread awareness and show people that charity and helping enhance the quality of life for children and their families is always classy and in fashion.
Seam The World also believes in Shopping For A Cause. 100% of the proceeds from our auctions which often involve art, jewelry, and clothes that are sometimes made by children from Seam The World projects are donated to a charity or cause of Seam The World's choice. We've even had a bamboo bike that was designed by the children in one of our auctions. The auctions are often built around the power of sharing personal stories and a shared desire to do what we individually and collectively can to make the world a better place. Auctions are also a great way of bringing people together and getting volunteers and donors involved in charity. You can also Shop For A Cause with Cacdemode Fashion Brand which donates 10% of their sales to Seam The World.
Some of our past fundraising activities have included Blind Date an event that raised money for Blind Children and gave our guests an interactive experience of what it is like to be blind. Green Days an environmental education event where people bought a cleaning kit and went on a trash hunt before going for a sponsored meal at Piu Piu restaurant afterwards. Our Thanksgiving charity show proudly displayed the different types of beautiful art that was made by different STW projects. The event brought together disadvantaged children turned artists from different orphanages and shelters in Ho Chi Minh City and told the story of each project. The themes of the evening included being thankful and eating the delicious L'usine thanksgiving meal with our star children artists.
We hope you'll join us at our future fundraising events.