“You may not save a lot of money in your life, but if you can save many pains and sufferings of others, you are a rich person.”
On the first day of October 2018, SEAM THE WORLD visited RBC Insular school in Roatan island, Honduras. This is a school and also a rehabilitation center particularly for disabled and birth-defects children. This place is fostering more than 60 children from the age of 6 to 19. At this school, they specialize in educating to bring out the best of their abilities, intelligence and creativities. The school usually holds concerts to raise funds and accepting charity donations.
Mr. Rabbit brought joy and happy smiles to the children during the visit. SEAM THE WORLD message is entrusted to Mr. Rabbit – a friend who will listen and be there for you through pain and happiness.
As the logo of RBC insular is a dove’s wing, besides the message of peace, it is also a message of the dream to fly higher and further. To give the children a better future and compensate for all the hardship they have endured.
Kindness always makes the day more sweet and beautiful.