Using the Art of Spray Painting to create a fun environment for children at Ba Muoi school to study in.
Australian Spray Painter Fletcher Andersen created the wall piece from the original designs of the children at Ba Muoi school. Each student would draw one feature and passed it on to the next one to continue the imagination without telling him/her what it was. At the end, we ended up with 3 beautiful art pieces. Artist Fletcher Andersen soon used his fun imagination and colorful art skill to turn them to giant size wall art.
Our wish is to have students exposed to different form of Art. Most importantly, they would love to come to school everyday, feel inspired and proud of their work.
You can check out more work of artist Fletcher Andersen at
ART can change the world, and it starts with YOU.
Please support and join us on our upcoming projects. Let’s GIVE, and GIVE it with full LOVE!
We would like to thanks Ba Muoi School for the support and let us work with. You can find out more information of Ba Muoi School on the link below. The school is always looking for supporters like you.